Akkurat Orgeln

Exhibition Opening
Wednesday April 16th, 7:30 pm

Through the ideas and works of composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, ‚equal temperament‘ became the root of a culture that remained almost unchanged for the last 400 years. This specific tuning was closely connected to the development of the church organ. Diametrically opposed to the church organ, the development of the portable electronic organ during the 1980s marked a similarly significant point of progress in music production. Although their sound is functionally subordinate to the technical conditions of their time, these keyboards also represent a specific era of musical expression. Manufacturers such as Casio, Yamaha and Bontempi have become an indispensable piece of the collective memory of music culture.
Ivo Francx and Bartholomäus Traubeck combine these centuries apart developments in a new piece, which manifests itself as an installation that oscillates between Drone and Fugue.


Akkurat Orgeln