Wavering Worlds #21

Sound Performance: Thursday 10th, 7 PM

TTFL part 2 (2024) by Marta Beauchamp

By focusing on the translation of neuroscience topics into sculptural and auditory experiences, Marta Beauchamp shapes an interface through which to materially encounter this process. She is interested in the difference between understanding based on keeping-in-mind and understanding through experiencing. Sound and objects allow her to inflate dense scientific topics to room-scale installations which offer more space and dimensions for comprehension.

“TTFL part 2” is an installation and performance for cello, voice, resonating tubes, MIDI percussion combo and ping pong balls. The composition explores the phenomenon of entertainment of the transcription-translation feedback loop (TTFL), a fundamental time-keeping mechanism present in virtually all living beings, through the lens of a publication (Pittendrigh and Bruce, 1959) on the relationship between day-night cycles and the TTFL.

Marta Beauchamp (UK/IT, *1990, based in Vienna) is a sound artist, musician and artistic researcher. Her sound installations develop around data drawn from publications about biological rhythms; in her PhD project “Tipping points in transmediation” she investigates the practice of transmediation of chronobiology data into installations and performances.

Marta plays cello and bass in the electronica and improvisation duo beauchamp*geissler, with whom she performs internationally; she has released albums on Quadratisch Rekords and Goldgelb Records.


Marta Beauchamp, photo: Conny Zenk

box performed by Philipp Kleinwort and Miriam Jochmann

The simple sound of bowed cardboard is transformed and spatially animated with a complex feedback system programmed in MaxMSP. The project was inspired by Owen Greens work and originally developed for the 21 loudspeakers of the multichannel sound system at Klangtheater in the future art lab and first performed at the ELAK concert.

Philipp Kleinwort and Miriam Jochmann are Vienna-based sound artists working on electroacoustic composition, as well as improvisation with live electronics and sound installation. Both artists study experimental and electroacoustic music at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw). Their work explores the intersections and boundaries of sound, using it as both a practical intervention and a form of theoretical reflection. With a focus on immersive multi-channel sonic experiences, they fuse the textures of acoustic instruments and live processing with artistic experimentation to create compositions that push the boundaries of sound, space and listening.

Philipp Kleinwort, photo: Felix Reutzel
Miriam Jochmann, photo: Jan Thoben

The series „Wavering Worlds“ provides a platform for local and international artists and musicians who oscillate between musical and artistic genres. Within this framework various forms of multimedia concerts and performances are presented.