Dienstag, 29. November, 19:30
30. November – 03. Dezember, 15:00 – 18:00
This exhibition displays 5 different pieces corresponding to Anna Moreno’s ongoing project, ‚The Barnum Effect‘, which is based on Phineas Taylor Barnum’s book, ‚The Art of Money Getting‘ (1880). PT Barnum was an American businessman considered to be the first showbiz millionaire. In this book he reveals 20 tips or “golden rules for making money”.
The Barnum Effect is, in psychology, the observation that individuals will give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored specifically for them, but are in fact vague and general enough to apply to a wide range of people. The project consists of a series of works, each of them taking the title from one of the chapters of ‚The Art of Money Getting‘. Shifting Barnum’s statements from an economic context into an artistic one allows its recipients to take this advice as something personal. This provokes a slight discomfort, due to the ambiguity of Barnum’s discourse. It is always uncomfortable to link art and economy in this manner, for in this case individuals act, as Louis Althusser would say, as victims of an ideological interpellation.
Anna Moreno (Barcelona, 84) is currently an artist in residence at Atelierhaus Salzamt in Linz. She is based in Barcelona, Spain, were she also completed her MA in Fine Arts.
Recently, she has been selected as an artist in residence at Seoul Art Space Geumcheon (Korea) in 2012, and has participated in The Stateless Pavilion, an international artist residency during the 54th Venice Biennial (Italy).
She has been as well a resident at NauEstruch (Sabadell, Barcelona), Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto (Biella, Italy) and Fabra & Coats (Barcelona).
Her work often consists in non-objectual pieces such as conferences: On Discomfort, Caixafòrum (Barcelona) or The Art of Money Getting in l’Estruch Theatre (Sabadell), as well as performances, interventions and videos.