Sound performance: April 22nd 2022, 7pm.
Due to the massive amount of Covid cases, we would like to ask you to bring your FFP2 mask to join the performance!
Sound spaces are not spaces filled with sound, but spaces fabricated by sound.
THIRDSPACE is a textile sound system exploring extended present via electromagnetic air sculptures. A spatial setup to invoke invisible geometries of emerging sonic constellations through multichannel compositions. A tool for weaving sound spaces into existence.
Textiles are self-signifying media that string macrocosm and microcosm together, the emerging pattern of senses woven into a cognitive fabric, the interlinkage of vertices and edges to create an immanent network, our second skin, and the next-generation interface for human-computer interaction. EJTECH investigates the interweaving of sound matter with spacetime through a multichannel textile sound system focused on corporal and expanded listening.
EJTECH’s practice comprises hyperphysical interfaces and metamaterials investigating sensorial and conceptual interrelations while blurring the differentiation between subject and object; rediscovering immanent soft grids of emerging structures. Driven by material research, resulting in performative installations, dynamic surfaces, and multichannel sonic sculptures as an exploration of experiential knowledge through a deeper conversation with the matter.
The project is part of the Oscillations: Exercises in Resilience project.
Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.