Flying dragons, deers, owls, octopus, or parrots – in different languages across the world, kites are named in all sorts of imaginary ways.
In this wind instrument building workshop, we will explore how kites fly, try to measure this with self-built sensors, and use the data to create sound to bring alive the dragons, deers, owls, octopus and parrots.
We will create sensors to measure the pressure of the wind on the kite from conductive materials, as well as create a kite tail sensor. In addition we will use a motion sensor. These sensors will be attached to an ESP32 board on the kite, that sends the data via WiFi as OpenSoundControl. This data can be received by an App based on Pd that can run on a mobile phone, or on laptops with any OSC-capable software. We will supply example code for Pd and SuperCollider.
At the end of the workshop we will go out, fly the kites and listen to how they roar!
Workshop: 17.6.2022, 1:30pm-6pm at Servus Clubraum / Stadtwerkstatt
Showcase: 18.6.2022, 5pm outdoor
The project is part of the Oscillations: Exercises in Resilience project.
Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.