Kategorie: Performance

bb15 hosted: Venice. Seven Acts.

Opening: 21.01.2025, 6 pm (sharp)Opening hours: 22–29.01.2025, 3–6 pm, Sunday ClosedFinissage: 29.01.2025, 6 pm (less sharp) Additional events in the program on @spacedesignstrategies. Emerges out of the collective experience of inhabiting Venice and its lagoon as a method to enable a transformative process of mutual learning and sharing between us, as a temporary community, and […]

Wavering Worlds #22

Sound Performance: Thursday , January 16th, 7 pm The sound performance „trex“, developed after a residency at Villa North, is based on the tapping sound of a small wooden toy as it travels down a long wooden plank. The little dinosaur, borrowed from Villa North, wobbles and stumbles, creating a sound reminiscent of horse hooves […]

Wavering Worlds #21

Sound Performance: Thursday , October 10th, 7 pm TTFL part 2 (2024) by Marta Beauchamp By focusing on the translation of neuroscience topics into sculptural and auditory experiences, Marta Beauchamp shapes an interface through which to materially encounter this process. She is interested in the difference between understanding based on keeping-in-mind and understanding through experiencing. […]

Wavering Worlds #20

Sound Performance: November 8th 2023, 7:00pm The series „Wavering Worlds“ provides a platform for local and international artists and musicians who oscillate between musical and artistic genres. Within this framework various forms of multimedia concerts and performances are presented. Eli Wallace is a pianist, improviser, and composer who resides in Brooklyn, NY, leading his own […]

Wavering Worlds #19

Sound performance: September 29th 2023, 7:00pm The series „Wavering Worlds“ provides a platform for local and international artists and musicians who oscillate between musical and artistic genres. Within this framework various forms of multimedia concerts and performances are presented. Andreas Kurz works on the conception and realisation of compositions, exhibitions, installations and sound performances at the […]

Wavering Worlds #18

Sound performance: 19h | Workshop: 13-16h Sarmen Almond (MX) Musician, voice performer, inter-media artist and teacher. Sarmen uses the voice and its relationship with electronic media to create compositions and decomposition of the personality on stage. She’s constantly in a quest of the vocal possibilities that the human body utters as instrument as well as […]

Arkadia 02-22

Exhibition Opening: May 5th 2023, 6 pmSound performance: May 5th 2023, 7pm.Opening Hours: May 6th – 17th, 3–6pm, Sa/Su closed Arkadia 02-22 is an audiovisual essay based on a series of travels, experiments, collaborations, and performances in the Northern regions of Norway, Finland, and Russia. Recorded with various equipment over the course of 20 years, the historical video […]

From Air to Bones – From Dusk to Dust

Performance: 22.07.2022, 7pm-8pm (sharp) Starting in Linz, Stephanie Quirola & Caroline Profanter will draw out a map, turned into a score, based on their daily explorations of the immediate surroundings of bb15. This map will focus on the accumulation/density and evanescence of real and possible events within a perceptual experience. Where do sounds dis-appear? The […]

Blake fruid

Exhibition Opening: June 21st 2022, 7pmOpening Hours: June 22nd – 30th, 3 – 6pmPlease refer to the current Covid19 Regulations! The exhibition Blake fruid presents a multi-channel video and sound work, evoking the body of the vocalic chorus in relation to the swirl of text-based language. Various parallel and intersecting narratives unfold, presenting a figure of an […]

Wavering Worlds#17 – THIRDSPACE

Sound performance: April 22nd 2022, 7pm. Due to the massive amount of Covid cases, we would like to ask you to bring your FFP2 mask to join the performance! Sound spaces are not spaces filled with sound, but spaces fabricated by sound. THIRDSPACE is a textile sound system exploring extended present via electromagnetic air sculptures. […]