Kategorie: Exhibition

Socken Zone

Exhibition OpeningOctober 23nd, 19:30 Opening HoursOctober 24th – 30th, 15:00 – 18:00 Saturday / Sunday closed Come closer and examine the remnants of audacious human dwelling. But make sure you lose your shoes first! This ground is too delicate, its treasures of former times too easily blurred. Both archive of humanity and place of longing, […]

Artist Talk Catherine Lorent

Artist Talk at Kunstuniversität LinzDomgasse 1, 4. Stock, Raum DO 0425October 4th, 17:00 Seit ihrem Beitrag für den luxemburgischen Pavilion auf der 55. Biennale in Venedig ist Catherine Lorent auf allen wichtigen Kunstschauen vertreten. In ihrer Arbeit greift sie auf komplexe, barocke Strategien zurück und transformiert diese in ein Gesamtkunstwerk. Anlässlich ihrer aktuellen Ausstellung Relegation_flexus […]


Exhibition Opening and PerformanceOctober 2nd, 19:30 Opening HoursOctober 3rd – 5rd, 15:00 – 19:00 Artist Talk at Kunstuniversität LinzDomgasse 1, 4. Stock, Raum DO 0425October 4th, 17:00 With Relegation_flexus the Luxembourg artist Catherine Lorent translates complex Baroque strategies into a total work of art, creating an audio-visual environment for the bb15. This work is an […]

The Dis/ease/s of the Ear

Exhibition Opening and PerformanceJune 26th, 19:30 Opening HoursJune 27th – July 3rd, 15:00 – 18:00 Saturday / Sunday closed Steve Bates is an artist and musician living in Montréal. His work listens to boundaries and borders, points of contact and conflict. Thresholds are explored, stretched and, at times, completely broken. Information and signal feed back […]

As long as there is time to sleep

‘It started from being a night owl.’ Sleep is, naturally, incompatible with what the world of uninterrupted operation demands and promotes as an ideal norm. It is overlooked and everyday, to such a degree that it could be presented as banal and sinful. Yet this biological banality common to all living animals has an intrinsic […]


Susannah Stark focuses on the mystical qualities of the voice and its placement in urban spaces, to question how images are used in a technology-driven, digital and capitalist culture. She has an interest in the mouth as modulator which shapes and organises culture, both as a bodily organ and a machine. With many works questioning […]

A Vocabulary of Noise

Public Working SessionSeptember 23rd, starting at 14:00 Final EventSeptember 26th, 19:30 In the framework of a group residency at bb15, Jan Adriaans (NL), Monique Hendriksen (NL), Marie-Andrée Pellerin (CA) and FAXEN collective (AT) develop a multi-event project in Linz that approaches the notion of noise and randomness on a conceptual level. Communication is considered as […]

Clouds (working title)

Exhibition Opening:September 5th, 19:30 Opening Hours:September 6th – 12th, 15:00 – 18:00 Saturday/Sunday closed Pio Rahner was born in Offenburg. He lives and works in Bremen. Pio Rahner’s works oscillate between conceptual photography and installation-sculpture. One of the main focuses of his practice is balancing his concentration on a specific object with the realization, production […]


Exhibition OpeningMay 23rd, 19:30 Opening HoursMay 24th – 30th, 15:00 – 18:00 The project takes its title from the Challenger V operation, a simulation of reconnaissance units in enemy controlled territory. In the swampy forests of the Czech Republic, probably somewhere between Moravia and Jižni Cechy, the 3rd Marine Division Reenactment Group/Vietnam 1966-67 continuously prepares […]

Collect / Diffuse

Exhibition Opening and SoundwalkApril 4th, 19:00 Opening HoursApril 5th – 7th, 15:00 – 18:00 This work will be presented in two parts, a soundwalk and installation. The soundwalk will explore the diverse soundscapes of Linz through walking and listening. Participants are invited to join on an intuitive walk through the city whist attending to the […]