Kategorie: Workshop / Lecture

bb15 hosted: Venice. Seven Acts.

Opening: 21.01.2025, 6 pm (sharp)Opening hours: 22–29.01.2025, 3–6 pm, Sunday ClosedFinissage: 29.01.2025, 6 pm (less sharp) Additional events in the program on @spacedesignstrategies. Emerges out of the collective experience of inhabiting Venice and its lagoon as a method to enable a transformative process of mutual learning and sharing between us, as a temporary community, and […]

Soft Resonance

Formed by Judit Eszter Kárpáti Ph.D. and Esteban de la Torre, EJTECH [ˈeɪtɛk’] is an interdisciplinary artist duo working with hyperphysical interfaces, programmable matter, and augmented textiles as media to investigate sensorial and conceptual relationships between subject and object, aiming to rediscover networks of emerging structures and immanent causality within realist metamaterialism. Sound, space, light, and time […]

Symposium @ Ars Electronica Festival 2022 / Oscillations – Exercises in Resilience

Symposium: September 8th 5 pm at Soundcampus, Hauptplatz 6, courtyard The Oscillations network will be holding a symposium at this year’s Sound Campus as part of the Ars Electronica Festival 2022. The symposium will explore the tension between acoustic and visual art forms from a makers perspective and give insight into art practices and organisation […]

Wind Instrument Building 

Flying dragons, deers, owls, octopus, or parrots – in different languages across the world, kites are named in all sorts of imaginary ways. In this wind instrument building workshop, we will explore how kites fly, try to measure this with self-built sensors, and use the data to create sound to bring alive the dragons, deers, […]

Rapid Song Prototyping

WorkshopMarch 9th, 11:00 – 17:00 Presentation/ConcertMarch 9th, 19:30 In this workshop easily accessible organisational means, documentation strategies and basic structures of music are presented, through which a quick access to finished pieces can be achieved. On the basis of experiments with electronic devices, instruments, open software, etc. we will discuss, learn and apply the principles […]


WORKSHOP – im Kooperation mit servus.at 30.11. – 2.12.2018, servus.at Clubraum Hat dein Nudelsieb keinen Motor?Ist dein Stromverbrauch noch zu gering?Wie kannst du ohne ein drehendes Aquarium leben?Hast du noch keine selbstfahrende Türstopper? In Russland voll im Trend!Was? Deine Katze ist noch immer analog!!“=??!1 Es ist Zeit endlich mal was dagegen zu tun! Bitte mitbringen: […]

Workshop – Voice and Space

Workshop on the 3rd of June from 2 to 6:30pm with a public presentation at 6pm. For more than ten years Janneke van der Putten’s own voice has been an essential medium for her interactions with landscape, space and contexts, in connection with e.g. natural phenomena, mythologies, cycles and time. In addition to her studies […]

What if a counter proof makes any proof an illusion? – Book presentation

Book PresentationThe artist in conversation with curator Marijana SchneiderDecember 16th, 19:00 The photography book by the artist Antje Guenther explores how aesthetic impulses and the desire to prove continue to influence the development of theories and hypotheses. In conversation with the curator and art historian Marijana Schneider, Guenther will discuss her work’s context and the […]

∆∏ ̇·^¬ Devices Workshop / Presentation

Workshop8th to 9th December 2017 13:00 – 19:00 Presentation / Concert12th December 2017, 19:30 Marloes van Son builds systems, installations and instruments. The electromechanical objects that she develops explore natural phenomena and everyday appliances. By repurposing ordinary objects she aims to create unusual, yet familiar experiences. Her recent work focuses on sound compositions, alternative scores […]