Exhibition Opening: June 21st 2022, 7pmOpening Hours: June 22nd – 30th, 3 – 6pmPlease refer to the current Covid19 Regulations! The exhibition Blake fruid presents a multi-channel video and sound work, evoking the body of the vocalic chorus in relation to the swirl of text-based language. Various parallel and intersecting narratives unfold, presenting a figure of an […]
Schlagwort: artist in residence
How to unfocus completely
Exhibition Opening: May 17th 2022, 7pmOpening Hours: May 18th – 24th, 3 – 6pm; Sunday closed Please refer to the current Covid19 Regulations! The more harmony spreads, the less we notice cacophony – it becomes pleasing to listen to sounds come after sounds slower as a gradually unwound sentence loses the weight of its substance. […]
ce qu’il reste des échos
Exhibition Opening: March 22nd, 2022, 7 pmOpening Hours: March 23rd – 30th 2022, 3 – 6 pm; Sunday closed Due to the massive amount of Covid cases, we would like to ask you to bring your FFP2 mask to experience the exhibition. A max. of 10 people are allowed to enter the venue at the […]
Exhibition Opening: October 12th, 2021, 7pmOpening Hours: October 13th – 20th 2021, 3 – 6pm; Sunday closed Please refer to the current Covid19 Regulations! a nonsequential sound installation in three parts On his first visit to the Ghetto Biennale in Haiti, Belgian artist Tom Bogaert heard something familiar in the rara marching music that was […]
Exhibition Opening September 23rd, 2021, 6 pmOpening Hours September 24rd – 30th, 3 – 6 pmPlease refer to the current Covid19 Regulations! As a breeze runs over my skin, as a being caresses me, as I reach aesthetic heights, little muscles are pulling my hair erect. What do these mute gestures mean when I experience a subtle sound or […]
During the second wave of lockdowns and cultural stop spread all around Europe in late 2020, bb15 invited sound artist Michele Spanghero in a process of “remote residency” for the creation of a compositional work dealing with silence and the emptyness of the cultural spaces. In times when the current condition could not be imagined, […]
Reliquia de las disciplinas geograficas
Last September, bb15 hosted the artist Nieves de la Fuente in the course of an artist residence. During her stay, de la Fuente worked on a long-term project of hers entiteled “Reliquia de las disciplinas geograficas”, initiated in 2014 and based on a short story by Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges. In collaboration with „Grand […]